
Super Visa

Grandparents or parents can visit their children who are employed or enrolled in school in Canada with the help of a special visa called a “Super Visa.” Parents with a Canada super visa can remain in the country for up to two years while visiting their kids. The Canadian government established the Super Visa programme in 2012 to make it simpler for immigrants to relocate their families and find employment. Since the program’s inception, more than 89000 parents and grandparents of immigrants from other countries who have citizenship or permanent resident status have travelled to Canada. 36000 Indians are at the top of the list.

These numbers reflect the flexibility rate of the Canada super visa for parents or grandparents and the contribution and role of Indian residents in Canada. As a seasoned Canadian immigration advisers, we help our clients find their way through the land of the maple leaf to their final destination.

Eligibility requirements for Super Visa to Canada:
  • The applicant must persuade the immigration official that they are merely coming to visit their children in Canada and will leave the country when the allotted period has passed.
  • A letter of financial support from their Canadian children or grandchildren is required in addition to documentation of their financial position.
  • A letter of invitation from the applicant’s children or grandchildren who reside in Canada is required.
  • To visit someone in Canada, applicants must demonstrate that they are related to them as parents.
  • A copy of the child’s or grandchild’s income criteria must be submitted by applicants. One or more of the following criteria will be used to evaluate income:
  • your most recent tax returns, in copy
  • a T4 or T1 form from most recently
  • employment insurance pay stubs
  • Visitors to Canada are required to undergo a thorough physical examination by a qualified medical professional.